Mrs. MaryAnn Kassabgui » Meet Mrs. K

Meet Mrs. K

My name is MaryAnn. I'm originally from NY. My family moved to CA when I was 4 years old. Since then, I grew up in Huntington Beach. I've attended Catholic Schools since 1st grade up until High School. I'm thankful for the sacrifices my parents made. I value Catholic Education very highly. I am keeping the tradition alive by sending my daughters to Catholic Schools as well. My youngest daughter is a SJS Pelican and my older daughter is a BMHS Knight! I've been working in the ADLA for several years now on both the school and Parish side. It's an absolute pleasure to finally being able to work close to home and be near my daughters. I personally have been married for 19 years to my husband Ramy. Our family loves volunteering and helping wherever we can. I enjoy spending time with my family, baking, swimming, playing volleyball & tennis. One day, I plan on learning how to play Pickleball and learning how to make the best homemade Bavarian pretzels! Until then, If I find a pretzel on a menu when we are out to eat- I will try it! I'm so happy to have joined the amazing team here at SJS! I'm looking forward to a wonderful year with our staff and students!